Having explored my own ‘journey’ toward healing from severe debilitating asthma and allergies as a child, my quest to understand what was ‘forking up’ my health, led to my fervent mission to empower my own health. (As a teen, I could not run track, play sports, or spend any time outdoors participating in all things I loved).
I have appeared on multiple podcasts, television and radio shows talking about GMOs, glyphosate and other toxic ingredients laced in what I now call “A Food Industry That’s Gone Sour…”The best part, and what has kept me going, is the blessing of serving as a catalyst to making healthy food choices. What I am clear on is that our food “industry” is no different than the other industries I’ve played (worked) in. There is one denominator in common, when a system is designed to feed “the bottom line,” there is a conflict of interest to serve real healing and wellness

So, I dug deep into what nutrition truly was and upleveled my love-making, and health, by creating foodgasmic recipes, by alchemizing truly clean ingredients that made my body rock.
Fast forward a few years, just as I was wrapping the film, The Truth, and writing the message that birthed through me, The Truth, The Journey Within, a girlfriend of mine’s husband was making all organic school lunches for his children. He was in the food business, and heard, his wife, Brittany, rave about my (then) NutBurger recipe. He asked to try them. And when his little boy shoveled them in his mouth, saying “yummm,”
So, I dug deep into what nutrition truly was and upleveled my love-making, and health, by creating foodgasmic recipes, by alchemizing truly clean ingredients that made my body rock.
Fast forward a few years, just as I was wrapping the film, The Truth, The Journey Within and writing the message that birthed through me, Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within, a girlfriend… of mine’s husband was making all organic school lunches for his children. He was in the food business, and heard, his wife, Brittany, rave about my (then) NutBurger recipe. He asked to try them. And when his little boy shoveled them in his mouth, saying “yummm,” that became our first testimonial.

Next thing I know, this “Nuttin’ but love from Mama Earth” recipe was awarded‘ Top Pick of the Food Show’ at Expo West. I was so excited!(I wasn’t even a Vegan or Vegetarian when I created them, I just wanted to eat healthier food that didn’t feel like I was making a sacrifice.) People went ‘Nutzzz’ for them!
Seriously! Even hardcore-meat-eating-burger-munching-men go ‘Nutzzz’ for my Zen Burgers
Entering the food retail business was definitely not the direction I would have consciously chosen as a profession. But ‘Spirit’ had a different mission for me. By then I had learned to trust that still-small-voice-within and the promptings of synchronicity in action to confirm that I was in divine path and service…to create Zen Burgers! His gentle nudges and praises that day and industry introductions the following week confirmed to me that “If my nut-plant-based foods are good enough for me…and everyone was begging me to make them…it made sense to share ‘em! ”So I did! And two months later, I entered the largest Food Show in the United States called, Expo West.
Then the mind goes into its story as I thought “I am supposed to be in service to be sharing the message that came through me.” After all, I’d already poured my heart and soul into finishing the film, The Truth, and corresponding book, The Truth, The Journey Within, and I thought “this is ‘my work’in the world.” WhenI asked Spirit, “Why the redirection into food?” Here’s what came through to me in the silence…“The first way we receive love is through the nurture of food and that’s how you are being poisoned.

Then the mind goes into its story as I thought “I am supposed to be in service to be sharing the message that came through me.” After all, I’d already poured my heart and soul into finishing the film, The Truth, and corresponding book, The Truth, The Journey Within, and I thought “this is ‘my work’in the world.” WhenI asked Spirit, “Why the redirection into food?” Here’s what came through to me in the silence…“The first way we receive love is through the nurture of food and that’s how you are being poisoned.”Another ‘God Wink’ in action as I truly was naïve at the sickness, toxins and lies for profit being fed to us by our food industry!

I have appeared on multiple podcasts, television and radio shows talking about GMOs, glyphosate and other toxic ingredients laced in what I now call “A Food Industry That’s Gone Sour…”
The best part, and what has kept me going, is the blessing of serving as a catalyst to making healthy food choices. What I am clear on is that our food “industry” is no different than the other industries I’ve played (worked) in. When a system is designed to feed “the bottom line,” there is a conflict of interest to serve real healing and wellness
Frontline (the not so popular) Scientists warn that we have less than a decade to shift our ways. Yes, this is mega-serious…like 2030 serious! So why isn’t this all over social media?
Hippocrates gave us the magic recipe to health, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. ”This golden rule can only apply by empowering our knowledge to The Truth, and learning to listen to our Urgent-911-Code-Red call for us all to return to ‘Nature’s Nurture.’
The time is now to co-create, support and fund the regenerative organic practices. Akin to honoring that only real (organic, chemical free) food is what nature designed to be the lifeforce manna we put into our bodies…and nothing else!
This journey led me to true healing alchemy: body-mind-spirit.

Frontline (the not so popular) Scientists warn that we have less than a decade to shift our ways. Yes, this is mega-serious…like 2030 serious! So why isn’t this all over social media?
Hippocrates gave us the magic recipe to health, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. ”This golden rule can only apply by empowering our knowledge to The Truth, and learning to listen to our Urgent-911-Code-Red call for us all to return to ‘Nature’s Nurture.’
The time is now to co-create, support and fund the regenerative organic practices. Akin to honoring that only real (organic, chemical free) food is what nature designed to be the lifeforce manna we put into our bodies…and nothing else!
This journey led me to true healing alchemy: body-mind-spirit.