I have played many different roles and titles in my life, many things I thought I “should do…” or “be…” I’ve been a mutli-million dollar ‘successful’ entrepreneur in the fields of finance, medical (healthcare), an award-winning builder-designer of ‘Disneylands for the Uber Rich,’ I’ve been a wife, a sister, a rebellious daughter, a frontline nutrition warrior and food alchemist, stepmother, and dog mama to Shadow, Gizmo and Mirage, and been a rescue mama to many two and four-legged fur babies.
I didn’t understand as a young girl my innate gift of knowing, which had given rise to being a truth buster, calling out teachers (got expelled from Catholic School, when I was a 4.0 student) who were out of integrity with me. Yep, obedience to me was not a virtue! I saw the bottom dark side of the coin and wasn’t afraid to flip it right side up. I have been a truthbearer my whole life. That awareness and knowledge came on-line and initiated my service as a spiritual wayshower… And this relentless and unfiltered desire for truth was all part of the plan…
Have I paid a price to serve truth? Down the rabbit hole a bit into ‘my story.’ I quit jobs where men made unwelcomed advances and didn’t know how I’d pay my rent. I’ve called out teachers, priests, uncles and fathers, and ‘best friends’ who did the same. Even then, I knew and had deep compassion for the brokenness beyond the behavior.
I was defrauded and lost millions to a man who served 9 years in prison, asking him why he would do this even after knowing I dedicated my life and financial resources (after the call) to bringing out the message of The Truth? My answer was clear, I still was in the refiner’s fire. All of these roles were preparing me… I’ve seen the lies within ‘the systems’ and experienced the brokenness of relationships. Yes, I’ve been in the trenches, just like you. There is no one who has escaped the wounds of separation.
The truth is, all these roles were my teacher…my personal life coach, and modern-day mystery school, my guru, my divine date with The Beloved calling me home. Just as every role you have and will play are your signature journey to re-membering the truth of why you’re here—that truth lives within you. We spend our whole lives seeking truth outside ourselves.
This website, this digital share between us, is not about me. Instead, it is about us. Because my greatest wish is that this page that you’re reading serves as an offering to connect you to your Divine Creation Template and soul’s destiny to know yourself as embodied divine love.
My entire understanding of reality and why we are here at this unprecedented time in our planetary (r)evolution shifted in an instant in 2006, when I awoke hearing “it is in the silence that everything is created.” In that moment…beyond time, I saw beyond sight, and beyond all physical planes, that everything in my world—our world—was constructed in what I refer to as The Separation Story—aka: ‘The Matrix.’ of systems held with a mutant fear-based reality of conditioning. This message that was “downloaded,” initiated me with irrefutable ‘God Winks,’ so I reluctantly stepped into the role of documentary filmmaker and author, to share this message of The Truth.
This is not my truth per se, this is our Truth.
There is no secret…
Beyond the story of identity, the roles we’ve been conditioned into, adopted and played… exists The Truth, our Creation Story…
If you are breathing today, know it or not, you and I chose a VIP front-row seat at this exact moment in reality to awaken beyond the masks of duality; to once and forever shatter the illusions of a fear-based conditioned matrix, to unveil the invincible truth of who you are. Whether you are already on the path to awakening and activating your master DNA Creation Blueprint codes, or just beginning to rise from a slumber, WE are in this together. And together, WE have come to rewrite our epic love story….
This is The Truth of who we are and can never not be.
Let’s begin The Journey, shall we?