Here’s a reality shattering question for you:
What if nearly everything you’ve been told as a truth, was instead built on a falsehood? Unconsciously enslaving you, enslaving us all, within an experienced reality seen through the lens of ‘The Separation Story’.
After decades of personally chasing ‘happiness,’ I was shown that even the ‘transformational market,’ where I chased perceived truth and only found empty promises of happiness; were all are fed from and rely upon, what I now call ‘The Consumptive Models.’
If I was ‘healed’ I was no longer feeding the ‘healer,’ ‘counselor,’ or the ‘coach.’ I experienced ‘the matrix of pain,’ as ‘The Witness.’ Deeper yet, within me, the ‘i’ before my identity I, knew and longed to return to…’The Truth.
Perhaps you can relate.
All of the lies that you have been told in your life are really just WMDs (Weapons of Mass Distractions). These lies are perpetuated from a 24/7/365 stream from the ‘consumptive systems’ that feed us ‘news,’ ‘ads’ and ‘education.’
Defining our happiness and worth based on our degrees, our status, our ‘identity.’ Big pharma educates and feeds today’s white-coat-medically ‘trained’-factory-pharma-worker, (also known as your doctor), the ‘Big Pharma’ version of ‘healthcare’, which treats symptoms, not the cause, which only makes us sicker.
We have a pandemic trajectory of dis-ease and suffering from the consequences of our ignorance and the matrix of greed. These deliberately engineered social ‘internet of things’ tell us what makes us look hot, young, ‘liked,’ what food or diet is trending hot, what vacation location and next dance vibe is hot. In this heat to win at this hunger game of life, where is peace? Where is love? Where is truth?
Perhaps you can relate.
All of the lies that you have been told in your life are really just WMDs (Weapons of Mass Distractions).These lies are perpetuated from a 24/7/365 stream from the ‘consumptive systems’ that feed us ‘news,’ ‘ads’ and ‘education.’ Defining our happiness and worth based on our degrees, our status, our ‘identity.’ Big pharma educates and feeds today’s white-coat-medical-factory-worker-experts, (also known as your doctor),the ‘Big Pharma’ version of ‘healthcare’, which treats symptoms, not the cause, which only makes us sicker. Our retail industries tell us what makes us look hot, what food or diet is trending hot and what vacation location is hot.
Even ‘religion’ has become infiltrated by darkness and full of half-truths, where we see suffering, with no hope in sight. These lies are so insidious and have been deeply woven unconsciously into every crevice of our lives, beliefs, and identity.
I am here to show you where to find real Truth that liberates you from suffering and ignites our greatest passions of embodied love, to bring our gifts to live ‘in service to one another.’ To unite a world to live united as love, to create a thriving future that works for all. This Truth is located where it has always been all along—within the silent language of your very own heart.
I will expand by sharing, that this truth is not sourced from “mind,” the five o’clock news, Wikipedia, fact checkers, or trained “knowledge,” truth is discovered, unveiled, and confirmed from within—in the silent language of your beating heart. To discover The Truth is The Journey, but the final destination is our sovereign liberation as divine love.
To live this truth, you must be willing to let go of everything you belief, if only for a time, to experientially awaken to the truth of who you already are, beyond and before the ‘you’ the world told you you are. To know oneself, at first requires courage, trust, patience, and oodles of self-love, self-honor, and diligent self-effort.
‘Waking up to lies of separation’ is painful, as you unpack all the identity and roles that you are not, to unveil the unborn Truth of who you really are.
The only way out is in!
I will expand by sharing, that this truth is not sourced from “mind,” the five o’clock news, Wikipedia, fact checkers, or trained “knowledge,” truth is discovered, unveiled, and confirmed from within—in the silent language of your beating heart. To discover The Truth is The Journey.To be this, you must do this. It takes trust, patience, and oodles of self-love, self-honor, and diligent self-effort. ‘Waking up to your new world’ is painful, as you unpack all the identity that you are not, to unveil the unborn Truth of who you really are.
The only way out is in!
Once this awareness and knowing opens within your unhackable ‘innernet,’ real Truth and bliss flows and reflects within your being every time you create ‘the gap’ between your stimulus and your response. Heart Flash: Once you wake up, you don’t get to go back to sleep! There is no ‘secret.’ There is no ‘thing to find. ’There is no ‘thing to become’ or ‘place to be’ to awaken to your divine essence, as love…there is just The Truth.
My own journey of love continues to unfold and align within my actions every day. Once you awaken, love passionately serves your soul’s destiny as reflective gifts of expressions of love…from within your soul essence. This is what it means to really be the change. Peace and love are an empty wish, if you have not unveiled and tapped The Truth living as love within all that you see.
Each one of us in the world has a unique signature love blueprint (it’s encoded within our DNA). You have a divine purpose, that only you are here to serve/be. This is ‘The Great Awakening’ for you, and for us. Discovering this Truth of ‘Source Intelligence’ is the only true liberation from suffering.
The ‘innernet’ from within is the ‘SOULution’ we’ve all been waiting and praying for. Tap into this silence, and gap, and rise up within your true Creation Blueprint, to return to the Beloved. This is The One Beloved known Within The Beloved One. This is the invincible and unstoppable force and power of love that bridges the seen and unseen worlds.
Each one of us in the world has a unique signature love blueprint (it’s encoded within our DNA). You have a divine purpose, that only you are here to serve/be. This is ‘The Great Awakening’ for you, and for us. Discovering this Truth of ‘Source Intelligence’ is the only true liberation from suffering. The ‘innernet’from within is the ‘SOULution’ we’ve all been waiting and praying for. Tap into this silence, and gap, and rise up with in your true Creation Blueprint, to return to the Beloved. This is The One Within The One. This is the force and power of love that bridges the seen and unseen worlds.
This is ‘who’ ‘i’ am, before, and beyond the identity of ‘me’. This is who you are too! Reclaiming this truth empowers you to live in one accord to your Creation purpose. I invite you to dive within your inner Kingdom, ‘all in’ to know thyself as love…
Where my journey intersects to support your journey, may we rewrite our epic love story together… hand-in-hand, one-heart and one-person at-a-time!
May together we unite as Creation’s divine love embodied to birth and serve Our New Earth, as it is in heaven; to usher in and ecstatically dance in this Golden Age of Miracles upon us!