Every role we serve, every relationship we chose, is divinely appointed.

From my first job in a local donut shop in my hometown of Sacramento, California, to decades of personally living in and building over 40 different customized multi-million dollar fully turn-key ‘Disneyland-like-Homes For The Uber-Rich’ it was all part of the lie. To personally witness the grotesque greed of an $800 Billion a year cancer industry, with more people employed by it, than dying of it makes me nauseous every day.. I was in ‘The Matrix’ of entrapment, just like you.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies…”

Nicola Tesla

Before building custom homes, I spent years in the medical ‘industry,’ witnessing open heart surgeries, bowel resections, preventable cancers, invasive surgeries and unnecessary deaths.
I saw the brokenness and suffering of human beings entrained to give their power, and health, over to the hands of our current ‘big-pharma-trained-doctors. ’These same ‘doctors’ have become enslaved within the ‘sick care’ system of medicine as well.

Before building custom homes, I spent years in the medical ‘industry,’ witnessing open heart surgeries, bowel resections, preventable cancers, invasive surgeries and unnecessary deaths.

I saw the brokenness and suffering of human beings entrained to give their power, and health, over to the hands of our current ‘big-pharma-trained-doctors.’ These same ‘doctors’ have become enslaved within the ‘sick care’ system of medicine as well.

Each work-related role I had was refining my awareness to reveal that our pandemic crisis is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Our poor health was actually due to our disconnection from nature, at every level, and that we are incoherent to true love, and real life.  Returning to our true nature, The Truth from within, is our only true teacher and healer. 

The Anti-life-force-fear based systems have taken us to the brink of extinction.  And yet, seeing the perfection in duality, these ‘in our face’ masks of deceptions allow us to really see who we are not…

Part of my ‘Download’ (my Lessons from Spirit) in those wee hours of November, 2006, was an ‘inner-standing’ that every system, by its very design, was built to perpetuate suffering, and separation from The Truth of who we are. There’s a definite conflict of interest when profit enters the Hippocratic Oath of healing.  It broke my heart to see that “true healing is a financial privilege” (if you have the money, you get the care; if you don’t, you won’t). 

After losing both parents to these ‘sickcare’ systems, this knowledge served as a strong motivator to research alternative healing therapies:‘ that treat the cause, not the symptom.’ These therapies truly heal and restore life, even when patients have been declared ‘incurable’ and sent home to die. Our ignorance is no longer bliss, it is deadly. It is my oath to help others heal.

Affordable non-pharma healing treatments and centers are being suppressed around the world. I’ve watched and heard testimonial after testimonial of patients being pumped full of chemo, nearly up to their last billable breath.  This knowledge served as a strong motivator to research alternative healing therapies:‘that treat the cause, not the symptom.’These therapiestruly heal and restore life, even when patients have been declared ‘incurable’ and sent home to die.

Most importantly, we must become sovereign, so that we can build more and more “Pay-It-Forward” benevolent service models and wellness centers near you. So that we can unite, reclaim, and stop being ‘used’ as an asset, and pawn, to a sick medical industry. Our bodies are miraculous wonders, perfectly designed and wired to heal. The New World Currency is Love: It is True ‘Well’th.

Making millions myself building multi-million-dollar homes for the uber-rich, didn’t buy my happiness. I may have looked the part, but inside I was disconnected from my heart. I was trapped in the game of ‘I’ and ‘me’. “I was blind, but now I see…” My ‘Download’ crystallized what I couldn’t tangible identify was incoherent. This pursuit for external measure and worth was all just part of the lie of ‘The Separation Story.’

Once this reality shatters, as mine did, you begin to ‘see’ to unravel your own identity. As you move into unity-heart-centered consciousness, suddenly you see your gifts as an offering of your most radiant expressions. I went from ‘using’ my gifts to chase external and materialistic value, to now serving these gifts by building yummy ‘Disneyland True Healing Centers for ALL of Life’.It is my fervent desire to serve “All In” within love, TheTruth and healing, from the ‘inside to the outside.’

There is a defining moment when you awaken beyond the I/ME and into the US/WE—unity-centered consciousness, where the Golden Rule of ‘do not harm’ becomes a living breathing walking mantra. This is when you self-realize that if one child goes unloved, hungry, or becomes sick, then we haven’t done enough. This is when you step “all in” to uniting, to perhaps prune back the vine, to give up a little, to co-create a world where we all have enough. WE must be the change, in the truest sense, seeking to serve only what is pure, righteous and noble. This Truth and love lives within you..

Dear Family of Humanity

No one, yet, has escaped these battle wounds we all carry from our shared story of ‘The Separation Story.’ When we see the lie, we can lay down our swords of judgment and once and forever end ‘The Matrix’ that is fueling ‘The Story of Separation.’

We are not the problem; it is the lie of ‘The Separation Story’ that is the problem and the pharm-agra-chem-banking cartels that are responsible for it. The Truth and my just released US/WE book series is the ‘new cool.’

The Truth of who we ‘BE’, not what we do is what matters most! Sharing my own ‘Journey Within’ to Awakening can only serve you, if it acts as pointers of reflection to seeing that nothing happens to us, but for us.
Dropping the masks of stories, identities and false belief systems is what it is going to take, as we truly shift the momentum of darkness that has pushed us to the proverbial cliff of extinction fear that we are now at the edge of. 

WE are not ‘sheeple’…and obedience is not a virtue! Unity and collaboration, each serving our inner-prize of gifts is how we rocket fuel the new benevolent models, served by our unique gifts, as we live the power-with force of love. This is how WE co-create a regenerative future worth choosing!
Dear Family of Humanity

No one, yet, has escaped these battle wounds we all carry from our shared story of ‘The Separation Story.’ When we see the lie, we can lay down our swords of judgment and once and forever end ‘The Matrix’ that is fueling ‘The Story of Separation.’

We are not the problem; it is the lie of ‘The Separation Story’ that is the problem and the pharm-agra-chem-banking cartels that are responsible for it. The Truth and my just released US/WE book series is the ‘new cool.’

The Truth of who we ‘BE’, not what we do is what matters most! Sharing my own ‘Journey Within’ to Awakening can only serve you, if it acts as pointers of reflection to seeing that nothing happens to us, but for us.
Dropping the masks of stories, identities and false belief systems is what it is going to take, as we truly shift the momentum of darkness that has pushed us to the proverbial cliff of extinction fear that we are now at the edge of. 

WE are not ‘sheeple’…and obedience is not a virtue!  Unity and collaboration, each serving our inner-prize of gifts is how we rocket fuel the new benevolent models, served by our unique gifts, as we live the power-with force of love. This is how WE co-create a regenerative future worth choosing!