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Unlock The LIE!

The LIE!

There Are No Secrets, There’s Only THE TRUTH!

There Are No Secrets, There’s Only THE TRUTH!

Blissings to our Family of Humanity!

I’m Carla Lee Johnston…

In 2006, I cried out to The Universe!

And the message that came through me, beyond time, shattered everything I ever thought mattered. My whole life I followed what I thought was the happily ever after story, otherwise known as ‘The American Dream.’

I had amassed millions…I was in the perfect looking couple…I had the ocean front homes…I had the exotic cars…I had…everything…I had the designer jewelry.

I had everything!

The-designer-this-and-the-designer-that…the galas, the parties, the invitations, everything!

I had learned how to win ‘The Game Of Life’. But something deep, deep within me knew that this is not what I was here on Earth for. I had branded myself into this identity, and I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

The kind of love I was chasing, in all the wrong places, was not answering the nagging questions inside of me that I had been asking myself since I was a little girl like, “Who am I? And what am I here for?”

I knew and felt that this wasn’t real truth.

I wasn’t living in ‘The American Dream’ instead, I was stuck in the lie.

I have always been a Spiritual Seeker. And I knew that within these power-over-systems that something wasn’t right. From the time that I entered the corporate world, where I played all the roles…

There was something that was so clear to me, that was not The Truth of who I was.

I knew there was something not right about these systems, but I had no clue. I never could have imagined what was gonna could happen! And the role that I was gonna be asked to play and the process of sharing it all!

That night something snapped in me…

I came home that night and I was trying to get into my gated community and there were paparazzi perched everywhere. There was a frenzy! Like I could not even get into my gate! It took me an hour to get in through the gate, and I was miffed and upset. I thought, “What the heck happened here? Who died? What happened?

And when I found out what it was? It was just another celebrity infidelity.

“Like that’s something new?” I thought to myself.

But I was so sickened by it all. I thought, “What’s happened to us and our humanity? Why is it okay for us to play ‘voyeur’ to someone else’s pain? Does that gives us some justification or confirmation of our own pain?”

“That poor couple,” I thought as my heart cried out for them. “What’s wrong with us?” I thought as these poor people don’t even have a chance to breathe without the whole world watching them. The mainstream media and paparazzi was perched to get their ‘million dollar shot’ of the hearts that were breaking inside of that home.

I couldn’t stand it!

Personally, I was in the midst of questioning my own relationship, asking myself “what is it that’s gonna make me happy?”

I thought, “I have a lot of wonderful things in my life, but they aren’t making me happy”. And I thought, “that poor couple…like that’s not right! It’s not okay! What have we become?” I was so angry!

I thought to myself and said to Spirit, “If this is the fucking world you told me was The Truth? If this is the world where our personal relationships are crumbling, then it’s not okay with me!” Because children are hungry. The animals are being abused and are suffering. And that we have war. And hatred. And the amount of separation going on right now. Personal relationships are crumbling everywhere, and family relationships too.

“This is not okay with me!” I exclaimed.
I cried out in that moment, “Show me what I’m here for! Show me what I came here to be! This is not The Truth of who I am!” I went to bed that night exhausted…and I woke up hearing something in my heart…

I heard, “it is in a silence that everything gets created.”

And I went deeper and deeper into that phrase…

I pierced the veil…

I went beyond time…

I went outside of this identity…

This body…

And I was shown ‘The Separation Story’. I was shown our ‘True Creation Story’ and it changed everything for me…in that one moment.

This wasn’t just an epiphany. This took me 9 to 10 days to sketch it out and write it down. I didn’t talk to a living soul. And I thought, “I’ll be cut up into million pieces and shoved into a corner somewhere!” There was massive fear running all through me. I was scared.

The very first time I shared the story, I experienced what I have called ‘God winks.’ I was laughing and crying hysterically! And I knew that I wasn’t crazy! I knew this message that came thought me…it was what I was here for!

The Truth is not my truth.

The Truth is not my message.

The Truth is not my story.

What this is, is the message that came through me. This is our ‘Creation Story;’ this is The Truth of who we are. This is why we are here…right now!

To this day, I am humbled to bear witness to the fact that this message has the power to change lives. And it has the power to change our reflective world.

One heart at a time…as I invited people to dive down ‘The Rabbit Hole,’ I was watching these people ‘wake up’. That’s the first step in our ascension process. It’s the first step in ‘waking up.’

The Truth is an antidote to shatter the lives of separation, so that we can begin to align to the reason that we’re here. The Truth is about learning the ways of light. It’s about tapping in to the reservoir of love and our exact purpose on this planet. The Truth is about helping one another ‘wake up.’ It’s about helping one another tap in to love. To reclaim the true ‘I am’ before the world told you who you are. Before the world told us what we needed to be and what we needed to do or become. No one! No one has to suffer from these core wounds of separation.

We have all been a victim to this lie of separation.

I invite you to frickin’ open the door!

Open the door of your heart! Wide open!

Be ready to just…free fall…

Go down ‘The Rabbit Hole.”

Let go…

Let go of the identity…

Let go of your old and fake truth…

Let go of anything and everything that you ever thought you knew…

Let go of the world…

Let go of it all…

Just…let go…of all that you ever thought…that mattered.

If you’re ready to start your Truth Journey, to live the life you were sent here to live.

To find your true purpose, your blueprint, the roadmap to YOUR blissful greatness that is waiting for you to discover.

If you’re ready to say yes to the beloved within you that is calling you home, to say yes to knowing who you are and what you came here for. To say yes to tapping into why you’re here.

Say yes to the beloved within you that’s calling you into the unborn love and THE TRUTH of who you are.

Our liberation is born and bound to one another.

It’s time to rewrite your epic love story…

Open the door to your heart below, YOUR TRUTH is waiting for you…